The Living Deadbeats- S/T

Release Date: June 15, 2012
Say ‘hi’ to Vancouver-based garage-punk band, The Living Deadbeats, because they are here and demand to be heard. If you miss the 1990’s riot grrl scene, this is the answer to all your woes. Vocalist Lindsay is the closest thing to Mia Zapata the world may ever hear again. She delivers every note, every word, as though it may be her last chance to be heard. The urgency of her vocals is mirrored by a spot-on band that embraces the spirit of punk, from the 1970’s until now.
On their first full-length album, The Living Deadbeats never seem to falter. They have their identity and it is clear there is no question as to who they are, or where they belong. The Living Deadbeats is an album drawing on an entire music history, but somehow sounds brand new. There are easy comparisons made to The Gits, The Sex Pistols, The New York Dolls, and Television. The point being that they are punk through and through. The best punk albums of today are the ones that give a nod to their roots and those who made it possible, and The Living Deadbeats clearly recognize this. In an homage to the late Mia Zapata of The Gits, they cover ‘Beauty Of The Rose’ pointedly and beautifully. Do not think they are merely copying what came before, though. What they are creating is theirs- and they own it. There is a healthy serving of angst, paired with a side of in-your-face, finished off with shot of take-no-sh@#. In the end, the album will leave the listener extremely satisfied and craving more.
If you want to hear an album of rainbows and sunshine- look somewhere else. These guys are kicking butt and taking names, so get on board or get out of their way. The album is pure adrenaline-driven angsty punk that would make those who came before very proud. There is only one problem that one may have with this record: it is far too short. However, if you cannot get enough, they are going on tour this June across Canada. So, if you are from the lower part of North America, I would suggest learning to say ‘eh’ a bit more often and heading up north to follow them around, eh. If a northern excursion is not an option, you could always be a little less hard-core and just buy the album. You won’t be sorry.